Feeding Guide Use biscuits and caned food for puppies of small/medium breed. Always make sure a constant supply of clean fresh water is available. When changing food to what you would like puppy to be fed on mix new food with current food gradually building up amount of new food and reducing amount of old food so that the Puppy does not get an upset stomach. Best brands of puppies food are: Hill's Science Plan Puppy, Purina Pro Plan Puppy, James Wellbeloved Puppy, Eukanuba Puppy & Junior, IAMs puppy. We raise our puppy on Eukanuba Puppy & Junior – small / medium breed.
At 6-12 weeks the puppy should be fed 4-5 meals a day,
At 3- 6 months the puppy should be fed 3-4 meals a day,
At 6-9 months the puppy should be fed 2-3 meals a day, After 9 months – 2 meals a day.
If you want to know better about your pug puppy nutrition and feeding - I will suggest you to buy this book YOUR DOG’S NUTRITIONAL NEEDS -A Science-Based Guide For Pet Owners.
How to feed your puppy on Kennel Club website - http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/item/456
Further information on feeding your dog please visit the http://www.pfma.org.uk/
The dog may become overweight or obese after Castration. Neutered animals probably require around 25% fewer calories to maintain a healthy bodyweight .
Early Days Your puppy may need a little peace and quiet when it first arrives home. Some puppies take a new environment very much in their stride whilst others may need a day or so to adjust. Help your puppy settle into its new home by ensuring it has its own bed or basket, where it can go and rest undisturbed, especially from young children. Whether you use a plastic bed, basket or even a cardboard box (idea! for the early days) you will need to use soft bedding for the puppy to sleep on. Avoid bean filled beds as these may cause choking if torn open.
Socialization Start your PUG Puppy socialization training at home. This means that your dog should be able to absorb the training step by step, doing so in a place where he or she is comfortable, like your home. If the pup is new at home, don’t crowd him just yet. Approach him one by one until he gets to know all the family members. Do this slowly, don’t just jump at the dog or he may take this as an act of aggression. When friends come along for a visit, do the same procedure, just remember not to rush and close in on its space. Eventually, once you deem that your dog is ready to meet new people, he or she can now socialize with other dogs. Let your friends or family members bring their dogs to your home.
Let your dog to visit different sites and places. This will allow him to be relaxed at other sites besides your home. Take your PUG out for a walk making sure that you have a good grip on its leash. Take him first to a less crowded area, eventually exposing him to populous places once he is ready for it. Always bring rewards such as different dog treats to reinforce a good behaviour. If he starts barking or acting aggressively, remind him that it is not good and do so with a stern and firm voice, don’t hit your dog though. Eventually, your dog will get into the routine as it is a creature of habit and see that socializing is easy. Puppy Classes will help you dog not only get training but also in Socialization with other dogs and people.
Worming Your puppy has been wormed for 3 days with Panacur at 4 and 7 weeks . Next worming - 12 weeks . Then - you will need to continue his worming treatment every three months. If in doubt as to what preparation to use consult your vet when you take your puppy for vaccinations. Stronghold and Advocate, Drontal are available from your Vet.
Toilet Training It is never too soon to start toilet training. Put newspaper or training pad down on the floor near the puppy's bed in case of accidents, there certainly will be some - especially overnight. If this can be between the puppy’s bed and the back door, so much the better. The newspaper should gradually be moved nearer to the back door so that the puppy gets used to the idea of going to the door when it needs to go to the loo. Puppies will nearly always go when they wake up, so take your puppy outside as soon as it wakes up, using a command such as "quickly" or "hurry up" then give it lots of praise when it does what's required. Puppies will also usually want to go after a meal, so go through the same procedure after meal times.
Immunisation Your puppy MUST NOT be taken into public places (where other dogs may have been) until 2 weeks after it has finished a course of puppy's vaccinations. First vaccination stars from 7 weeks of age, second in 3 weeks time. Your Vet will vaccinate against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, and Parvovirus. Once immunisation is complete you can take your puppy out into public knowing he is protected (usually 2 weeks after the last jab). Yearly boosters are required throughout your pets lifetime. When you will travel with your puppy abroad make sure it has Pet passport, Microchip and Rabies vaccination done.
Exercise A very young puppy will get all the exercise it needs through play. In any case, proper exercise cannot commence until immunisation is complete. In the early days, until maturity keep your walks short - but regular. Whenever and wherever your puppy or adult dog is exercised do ensure you clean up after him. A couple of plastic or nappy bags and pieces of tissue don't take up much room in a bag or pocket.
Avoid while the PUG is young: forced jumping exercises, stairs, jumping up on beds, because vertical movements can give increased pressure on the surfaces of the cartilage of the articulations and consecutively hypersecretion of articular fluid and damage of the intra-articular cartilage. Swollen and painful articulations could follow, with deformation of the position of the legs. PUG considered as young, until they are around 18 months.
Training Keep your commands short and consistent. Come, heel, and sit, wait/stay, down (for lying down) and off (for not jumping up) are the key commands. Training can start at meal times by telling your puppy to sit for his meal, and perhaps later to wait until allowed to take it. Keep training sessions short, a puppy - like a small child - has a short attention span. I will recommend you visit this website to arrange training classed for your puppy - http://goodboydogschool.com/
The process of PUG training is very important; how people train them will determine how the dogs will act as they continue to grow up. If they are allowed to get away with bad habits, then it will be harder to correct those habits in later life. That is why it is important to perfect PUG arly as possible.
Another very important part of PUG training is getting your dog on a feeding schedule. From puppyhood right through to adulthood you should feed your dog at roughly the same time every day. This will quickly let them know when they are getting fed and that they should not expect food in between these times. Simple obedience commands are also important to PUG training, allowing you to keep control of your dog at all times. Sit, lie, come and stay are the most common commands and will allow you to do most things successfully. By rewarding your dog they will see that they are doing well. Providing opportunity for your dog to show off during PUG training will go down well as they love to show what they can do.
Grooming PUG do not require any special grooming. You will need a rubber glove for grooming . In the summertime especially watch out for fleas. If you find small black specks (flea droppings) or even the fleas themselves your dog will need to be treated with a shampoo, powder of spray. Stronghold is the best at the moment. Bedding and carpets should also be cleaned and treated with an appropriate preparation.
In general PUG grooming requires very little time since the dogs are small and have a short coat. This isn’t to say that all the regular grooming tasks don’t need doing, they just take less time than with other breeds. Bathing, for example, is still required. This helps to remove any dead skin, impurities left in the skin and odours that your dog may have picked up. Be careful to use only warm water on your PUG ect the ears and eyes. It is essential to use a dog shampoo so that no skin irritation occurs and the natural oils in the coat remain. Always thoroughly rinse your dog at the end of this French Bulldog grooming task so that no shampoo is left in the coat.
An essential part of PUG grooming is taking care of the facial area. Within the folds on the face, dirt and bacteria can become trapped and breed, leading to the possibility of infection and other health problems. These areas can also remain moist for long periods, again making infection more likely. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, take a grooming wipe and gently clean each fold individually, taking care not to use a dirty wipe to clean a new area. Afterwards, gently dry each area with a clean towel to avoid any problems. This is an essential part of PUG ownership, and you should do it regularly for optimum health.
Taking care of the coat during PUG grooming is actually quite easy, with only occasional brushing needed to keep it looking its best. A soft bristle brush or hound glove is the ideal tool for grooming a PUG, allow PUG t to pass over the coat with relative ease and collect the loose hairs that have gathered. These dogs do shed their coat so it is important to remove the hairs; otherwise they will stick to your clothes, furniture and carpet. It is unlikely the coat will need trimming at all but you may wish to scissor unruly areas, such as around the ears and the whiskers. Sticking to all of these PUG grooming tips should keep your dog in top condition.
Travelling Get your puppy used to the car gradually. Start with short pleasurable journeys (not just to the vet) and avoid travelling shortly after mealtimes. Ensure adequate ventilation whilst in motion and stationary, and above all NEVER leave your dog in the car during warm or hot weather. Even with the windows open a car can turn into an oven in minutes in hot weather - dogs die every year due to thoughtless or ignorant owners.
When you will travel with your puppy abroad make sure it has Pet passport, Microchip and Rabies vaccination done.
PUG Features PUGs have the potential to live about 13 - 14 years and are generally a healthy breed.
Do not require long walks and lot of exercisers.
Despite their size, a PUG is always willing to participate in your family activities. They may not always be able to cope due to their short nose, which can cause breathing difficulties, but they will always give it a go. This includes accompanying you on any chores you have around the house, and this will make up most of their daily exercise needs. A short walk around the neighbourhood to supplement this will be all these PUG need. It is important not to put them under too much strain, especially during the summer when the heat can cause them problems. What they will enjoy is socialising with other dogs and people, as they love to be the centre of attention and have company. If you manage to include this on a regular basis, your PUG will be extremely happy.
DO'S AND DON'TS Do ensure your puppy has adequate rest without disturbance (especially from young children). Do be consistent, fair and firm in your commands, training and treatment of your Puppy. Do check your garden fences for holes or gaps. Do be prepared to clear up if your dog fouls in a public place. Don't over exercise your puppy or young dog. Don’t leave a choke chain on your dog - it can get caught up in things with disastrous consequences. Make sure your dog ALWAYS have water. Don't leave your dog tied up outside shops etc there is a market for stolen dogs. Never leave your dog in a car in warm or hot weather - this can be a killer.